This is my photo blog to keep myself thinking creatively. I am taking a photo class this year to hone my skills. I'm enrolled in a photography class and hope to be able to improve my skills. This blog will be my response to the challenges.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Turns out that I was not very motivated to do this week's activity. Maybe it's because I don't like color that much. Or maybe I just needed to rest and refocus.

We were supposed to find bright color, muted color, spot color, shades/tones, and something we could turn black and white.

Good positioning. Wrong thing focus on.

The focus is a bit off on this one.


  1. great find on the yellow car in a sea of gray! i like your composition of the bird too.

  2. I feel silly writing the same thing as Jayne...but I really liked those two as well. However, she used much better words to explain it. :)

  3. I like the first one, but I LOVE the bird one. The composition is incredible (AGAIN--you have a serious knack for that, James) and the tone is perfect. I want one for my wall. Name your price.

